All-optical polariton-condensate devices |
Wpisany przez Jacek Szczytko
czwartek, 08 października 2015 18:54 |
Prof. Dr. Luis Viña
Departamento de Física de Materiales. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. SPAIN
Szkoła IN : Friday 16 of October 2015, g. 10:00-12:00, room 0.06, Pasteura 5, Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw
The use of polariton condensates in all optical logic devices has been the subject of intense research in recent years, promising ultrafast switching times, low losses, spin information transport and low power consumption.
In this talk I report on the realization of a novel switches and a logic AND gate mediated by propagating Bose-Einstein exciton-polariton condensate bullets in a quasi-1D semiconductor microcavity. I will also show how spin-selective spatial filtering of these propagating condensates can be achieved using a controllable spin-dependent gating barrier: a non-resonant laser beam provides the source of propagating polaritons, while a second circularly polarized weak beam imprints a spin dependent potential barrier, which gates the polariton flow and generates polariton spin currents. A complete spin-based control over the blocked and transmitted polaritons is obtained by varying the gate polarization.
The experimental results are interpreted in the light of simulations based on a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation.
Poprawiony: sobota, 31 października 2015 12:14 |
Nanomaterials for Architecture and Preservation of Cultural Heritage |
Wpisany przez Jacek Szczytko
czwartek, 14 maja 2015 21:05 |
Prof. Arch. Federica Fernandez PhD.
Technical Director, Master on Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials for Cultural Heritage, University of Palermo - Italy
Szkoła IN : Thursday 21 of May 2015, g. 13:00-14:00, room 0.48 ("Akwarium"), Pasteura 5, Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw
Nanotechnologies allow today many applications for the architectural sector through the presence on the market of innovative products for the treatment of surfaces and smart materials for building construction. In the recent years, various valid applications of nanotechnology for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage have also emerged, revolutionizing the traditional methods.
The state of the art of the ongoing researches and of existing nanostructured products will be presented, illustrating the main principles and characteristics of interventions on historical materials through the use of nanotechnologies. These innovative technologies appear as groundbreaking and promising tools, able to improve the procedures for intervention, overcoming the major deficiencies that characterize some of the traditional techniques currently used, also allowing a more reliable and sustainable preservation of artifacts. In particular, will be discussed formulations based on the use of substances aimed at the consolidation of mural paintings and stone surfaces, such as those using CaOH, showing high compatibility with historical matters. Other examples describe nanostructured cleaning systems for the removal of polymeric coatings previously applied and high retention gels for treatments with organic solvents.
The main advantages of using nanostructured products in architecture and cultural heritage preservation fields are also pointed out, in terms of greater reliability over time and sustainability, being non-toxic and environmentally friendly treatments, also considering the reduction of the environmental footprint of the built environment throughout the efficient use of resources.
Finally, this contribution underlines that, even if these nanomaterials are contributing to a significant change in our life, we must ensure that the potential risks are identified and controlled, through developing new appropriate standards and codes for their application.
Poprawiony: czwartek, 04 czerwca 2015 19:42 |
Peptides and proteins for bioengineering hierarchy, spatio-temporal control, and functionality in tissue engineering |
Wpisany przez Jacek Szczytko
czwartek, 14 maja 2015 20:57 |
Dr Alvaro Mata
Biomedical Engineering and Biomaterials; Institute of Bioengineering; School of Engineering & Materials Science; Queen Mary, University of London
Szkoła IN : Thursday 21 of May 2015, g. 12:00-13:00, room 0.48 ("Akwarium"), Pasteura 5, Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw
Proteins are attractive building-blocks to create complex nanomaterials. However, the difficulty to control their assembly across scales has hindered their functionality. Studying the interactions between peptides and proteins opens the possibility to identify molecular processes that can be used in innovative ways to generate materials with novel properties. Following this principle, we explore the possibility to use peptides to hierarchically guide protein conformation to bioengineer functional materials of improved complexity. The talk will first provide an overview of novel fabrication platforms to create bioactive membranes for bone regeneration and a novel 3D printing technique to create molecular patterns within 3D hydrogels. Then, I will focus on a novel dynamic system emerging from the conformational modification of an elastin-like protein by a self-assembling peptide amphiphile. This molecular interplay leads to a distinctive nanoarchitecture that can be maintained in non-equilibrium for substantial periods of time and enables the formation of robust macrostructures that display a wide range of dynamic properties including the capacity to undergo morphogenesis into desired shapes with spatio-temporal control. The functionality of the system was demonstrated by creating vascular-like structures that supported growth of vascular endothelial cells and adipose-derived stem cell.
Poprawiony: czwartek, 04 czerwca 2015 19:42 |
Wpisany przez Jacek Szczytko
czwartek, 14 maja 2015 21:38 |
Dzięki funduszom POKL UDA – POKL.04.01.01-00-100/10 "Chemia, fizyka i biologia na potrzeby społeczeństwa XXI wieku: nowe makrokierunki studiów I, II i III stopnia" odbędzie się szkolenie TRIZ, wraz z otrzymaniem świadectwa kompetencji wydawanej przez instytucję MATRIZ mieszczą się w Nowym Jorku.
Dla uściślenia: TRIZ to algorytm rozwiązywania innowacyjnych zadań. Brzmi to trochę jak oksymoron jednakże nie jest tak absurdalne jak wygląda na pierwszy rzut oka.
Poprawiony: poniedziałek, 18 maja 2015 22:27 |
Wpisany przez Jacek Szczytko
czwartek, 19 marca 2015 19:51 |
Dzięki funduszom POKL UDA – POKL.04.01.01-00-100/10 "Chemia, fizyka i biologia na potrzeby społeczeństwa XXI wieku: nowe makrokierunki studiów I, II i III stopnia" odbędzie się szkolenie TRIZ, wraz z otrzymaniem świadectwa kompetencji wydawanej przez instytucję MATRIZ mieszczą się w Nowym Jorku.
Dla uściślenia: TRIZ to algorytm rozwiązywania innowacyjnych zadań. Brzmi to trochę jak oksymoron jednakże nie jest tak absurdalne jak wygląda na pierwszy rzut oka.
Poprawiony: czwartek, 04 czerwca 2015 20:20 |
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